Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Car Finance Places You on the Top Gear While Buying a Car
Car financing has taken a new spin with regard to providing investment for buying a car. So, how do you finance a car? If this question leaves you baffled, then you have to go a long way in the process of buying a car.
The term 'financing' in relation to buying a car connotes either rendering loan to buy the car or lease the car to you. You are probably concentrating on the former meaning.
Many people are in favour of talking car finance from dealership for it seems like a convenient option. It seems easy; you select a car, fill out a credit application, and drive away with your car - all in a day’s work.
Car finance through dealership will give you car finance on weekends and even at nights when other banks and credit unions are closed.
Seems convenient, isn't it? But there is a catch. The dealer will be certainly charging you more for your car finance. Usually car buyers are overcharged by 3% on their car finance.
A great number of complaints about car financing are related to dealers. 0% APR is not only attractive but lures the buyers to acquire up car finance not meditating if it is feasible for them.
There are very few people who can actually get a 0% APR. Thus car finance deals usually fall midway thereby making car finance experience an extremely distressing one.
You are buying a new car and probably for the first time, you certainly want it to compliment your enthusiasm. There are few elementary things that need to be kept in mind before taking that crucial primeval step in car buying.
First and foremost in car buying and financing is checking your credit score before you apply for a car loan. Many people are unaware of the fact that they even have a credit score. You can expediently check your credit score online.
So, if you have bad credit history then probably you will be paying more interest rate for your car finance. If your credit score drops below 550, then probably apply for new car finance is not such a good idea. First repair you credit score.
Repairing credit score requires little effort, helps you repay your debt and retain your credit report. Online car finance companies can get you car finance loan even if your credit score is lower than required.
Your car finance loan can get approved in minutes. Online car finance companies have revolutionized car finance procedure. With lowest online car finance rates, no application fees, or down payments car finance companies provide a formidable competition to car dealers.
Car finance companies have set a standard for providing car finance that is worth opting for.
Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/finance-articles/car-finance-places-you-on-the-top-gear-while-buying-a-car-364392.html"
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Jas - About the Author:
Providing free information about several topics. Checkout my free tips on www.myfreeinfo4u.com
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/finance-articles/car-finance-places-you-on-the-top-gear-while-buying-a-car-364392.html#ixzz0opqKD2Cp
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Labels: about car finance, places buying car finance, top gear car finance
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Guaranteed Car Finance Now – Receive You Car Finance Now
When it comes down to it in today's world not many people want to go out there not knowing exactly what the process encompasses when they are trying to buy themselves a car either for their own personal luxury or for them to get from place to place with.
You really need to make sure that you have all the knowledge that goes with buying a car already in your head or else you risk ending up having to spend a lot more money then you should be in the first place.
In order for you to make sure that you are going to get the best possible deal on a
Guaranteed Car Finance you are going to want to make sure that you get car finance before you ever walk into a car dealerships car lot.
A Car Finance Loans is simply a way for you to go about paying for the car that you are looking to purchase. You are going to take out a car loan from a financial lending company and bring it to the car dealership with you.
The reason for going about doing this is because the moment that you bring your own
Used Car Finance to a car dealership you are then considered what is known as any cash buyer in that you can buy the car pretty much out right from them just as if you are paying for it in cash in the first place.
You can then you should car finance in order to either buy the car that you want from them or you can also use it to lease a car through them.
If you happen to have gone through the process of buying a car in your past then you more than likely know how a car salesman is going to work with you.
The first thing that they would go about doing is checking your credit score through their third party financing company before they ever begin to negotiate on a fair price for the car that you are looking to purchase a car finance with you.
The moment they go about doing this they are going to then offer you a supposedly special finance deals in any attempt to make you buy the car and finance it through their own third party financing car finance solutions.
This is something that you are going to want to avoid like the plague and is going to end up making you pay a lot more money down the line in the future on the car that you desire simply because you did not take the time and energy to do all the research that is required before getting yourself a car finance that you need.
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Car Loans - About the Author:
Car Dollars For All - a new car finance loan company offers Used Car Loan, student car loans guaranteed and used car loan. Get the lowest price and cheapest rate new car finance and guaranteed car loan. Get Car Finance Loan and new auto finance loans at Car Dollars for All - your one stop shop provides affordable rate new car loans and auto loans at lowest interest rates.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/loans-articles/guaranteed-car-finance-now-receive-you-car-finance-now-552554.html#ixzz0opooKFYZ
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Labels: about car finance, guaranteed car finance, received car finance
Monday, March 22, 2010
Best Car Finance Deal Part 2 - Six Top Tips For Comparing Car Leasing Deals
The car shopping process takes 6 months from start to finish for the average car shopper. Interestingly, 95% of this time is spent on comparing car make, car specifications and 'On The Road' price.
This means that on average only 5% of the 6 months of car shopping time is spent looking at how to finance a car. Ironically, if people spend more time comparing finance prices, they can save thousands of pounds on the cost of their car.
In part 1 of "Get the Best Car Finance Deal" I provided three key factors to be considered when deciding between car leasing vs car buying. However, the comparison does not stop there! If a car shopper decides to opt for car leasing, then there are a few key tips that he or she must consider when comparing leasing deals for a contract car.
If we take the example of two car leasing products (Contract Hire - for businesses, Personal Contract Hire - for individuals), when a car shopper is comparing prices, it is not just the monthly payment for the lease that should be considered as the key driver of the best deal.
Sure, this is important but you need to ensure that you are comparing like with like. Therefore, to get the best contract hire deal for his or her contract car, a person MUST also:
1. Ensure that the vehicle specifications are exactly the same. It goes without saying, but, some dealers or brokers have access to great deals and they may try to sell you a different car spec for the make and model that you thought you wanted and for which you have already obtained a quote.
2. Be sure that the contract period (eg; 36 months) for each lease deal that you are comparing is the same.
3. Ensure that the mileage for each lease deal that you are comparing is the same (and the cost of excess mileage).
4. Ensure that the upfront payment (deposit) for the contract car is the same for each deal that you are comparing. This is usually 3, 4 or 6 months.
5. Ensure that all quoted prices for monthly payment either:
a. include maintenance or
b. do not include maintenance
6. Ask if there are any fees in addition to the monthly fee and upfront payment (sometimes called introduction fee or credit acceptance fee).
You can obtain a comparison of all car finance products based on all of the above by using FinanceAcar.
Simon Norman has more than a decade of experience working with top UK websites and comparison sites. He is a specialist on advising car shoppers on the advantages, disadvantages and complexities of car finance and car leasing.
In particular, he has significant experience in advising on how to get the best leasing deals for a
contract car. For more information on car finance or car leasing comparison visit http://www.FinanceAcar.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Norman
Labels: best car finance, deal car finance, tips for car finance
Secrets to Getting Car Finance Loans
Have you ever been in a situation where you need a car but you do not have the right amount of financial resources to purchase one? Well, the answer to that must be pretty obvious, yes right.
Anyway this problem is definitely one that can be solved when you know exactly what to do and I am going to show you that right now. Car finance loans are the loans you can get to pay for a car you cannot afford to buy.
Car finance loans are personal loans that are granted by a bank to help you get the car of your dreams. Generally it is credit institutions that have these loans and they give them out on an application and approval basis.
So visit any one of these banks and they will take you through the process of applying for one. When you do eventually apply you must take with you a recent pay check as well as the supporting documentation for the car.
Apart from this regular paperwork they also require a credit report. A credit report is a report on your previous loans and how you have paid them back. In order for your application to be successful you must definitely make sure you clear all your debts beforehand. But if you do not so many consequences will avail.
Usually a bad credit score means higher rates of interest than usual. But if the report is clean this definitely implies you will not be required to pay a lot of interest, in fact it will be reduced considerably for your convenience.
On top of this it is important to remember that the type of car you want determines to a great extent whether your application is going to be approved. Make sure your salary matches well with the type of car otherwise you are going to be turned down. And when a loan application is turned down it also impacts negatively on your credit report.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miki_Blue
Labels: car finance, getting car finance, secrets car finance
Tips on Car Finance Loans
Having the right amount of money to buy a car is never an easy thing to do. For the most part you will have to sacrifice a lot of luxuries in order for you to afford the car you really want.
But the rather fortunate thing is that there are car finance loans that are available to drivers who cannot pay cash for a motor vehicle. These loans are just like any other ones, but of course there are a few differences.
Generally there are two different types of loans for purchasing cars, personal car loans and dealership payment schemes.
Personal loans for cars are offered by different authorized credit providers like banks and purely lending institutions. Such loans are actually applied for and have to go through a short approval process during which you will either be turned down or accepted.
Generally these loans are given after a few procedures have been carried out. You obviously have to submit a pay slip that reflects your ability to pay back the loan.
In addition to this credit checks are also carried out at the credit bureau where records on previous debts and corresponding payments are looked at. These credit checks are fundamental to any credit application as they indicate whether you will be able to pay back the loan.
So if you have not been paying back your debts this will amount to a negative credit report. Such a bad credit score later amounts to higher interest rates and the opposite is true.
But apart from these personal loans other ones are also dealership credit schemes whereby the dealership gives you a car on credit and every month you pay them a certain amount of money.
Generally you ought to be careful with these ones. Sometimes you can be charged excessively high interest rates and there is also the possibility that there will be other charges you do not know about.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miki_Blue
Labels: about car finance, car finance loans, tips on car finance
Basic Information About Car Finance Loans
Financing a car is never an easy thing to do. Cash is never readily available and when push comes to shove the only opportunity left is car finance loans.
Car financing has to be seriously considered in light of the large number of incidents involving people who have found themselves unable to pay back their loans because they did not know a thing or two about the credit conditions on the loan.
There are personal loans that are available for people who intend to buy cars. For the most part these do not go through the lengthily application approval period typical of mortgage loans.
Basically you will have to undergo a credit check before you get the loan itself. A credit check is a standard procedure whereby credit providers go through your credit report from the credit bureau.
So if you have any outstanding debts that are due for payment you must make sure you clear them before making an application. But generally a good credit score indicates that you are not a person who would fail to pay back debts.
In addition to this it is advisable that you also place a down payment on the loan as this again tells the credit provider that you are more likely to pay than a person who does not.
The other thing you must be wary of is the rates of interest for banks. Interest rates for banks are generally high when you have a bad credit report, or if the car you intend to buy is pretty expensive. And sometime interest rates are lowered if you make a down payment or if you have a good credit score.
But these are just the basics. But the last thing I will mention is the fact that car dealership loans given by your selected car dealer are ones you should be careful of. Sometimes the interest rates are hiked tremendously and can be out of the immediate reach of your financial abilities.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miki_Blue
Labels: about car finance, basic car finance, information car finance
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hello World

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